DuraLife® Kidney Support Formula contains specific vitamins and minerals, a medicine that has a suitable formulation for CKD patients in Nephrology. DuraLife Kidney Support Formula is supplied in single-dose tablets for oral administration. 15 tablets are packed in a blister and 4 blisters are packaged in one box with a leaflet. Patients diagnosed with CKD have different needs for specific vitamins and minerals compared with those without CKD. Consequently, vitamin and mineral combinations, prescribed specifically to the needs of CKD patients, are important for their overall health.

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Therapeutic Fields of Kidney Support Supplement

Kidney support Formula is designed to provide everything the kidneys may need to function at their best. Over-the-counter supplements may contain large doses of specific minerals and vitamins, which could be toxic for CKD patients. Also, water-soluble vitamins are removed from the blood during the dialysis process, leaving the CKD population more vulnerable to a deficiency, therefore, CKD patients on dialysis are encouraged to take a daily kidney Support Supplement.

Vitamins and Minerals of Kidney Support Role in CKD


Acts as an antioxidant in the body, protecting cells from free radical damage and neutralizing harmful peroxides. Copper levels may decline over time in patients with kidney disease.


Kidney patients, especially those who are on dialysis, cannot maintain adequate iron stores; so, they are at risk for developing anemia. To prevent anemia in kidney patients, the KDOQI Guidelines recommend regular iron supplementation to achieve target iron levels.


Acts as an antioxidant that binds free radicals to protect cells against oxidative stress. Selenium levels may decline over time in patients with kidney disease.


The right amount may help protect cells from free radical damage. Lower zinc levels in CKD patients might happen due to the increased urinary zinc excretion and the decreased intestinal zinc absorption. Zinc is required to maintain the structures and functions of more than 200 enzymes, such as enzymes needed in the transcription and translation of genetic material and cell division.

B Vitamins Group

One of the important functions of vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid is to work together with iron to prevent anemia. Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pantothenic acid, and Niacin, can also be given as a supplement. These vitamins help to change the foods into energy in the body.

Vitamin C

Oxidative stress and inflammation are also a common problem in CKD patients, and both have an important role in the development and progression of atherosclerosis and increased cardiovascular events in CKD. Ascorbic acid might be a promising agent in CKD for improving outcomes by decreasing oxidative stress and ADMA (Asymmetric dimethylarginine) levels.

Vitamin E

Helps protect cells from oxidation and free radicals to protect against some types of cancer. It’s also considered a means of correcting plasma antioxidant status and attenuating the cardiovascular disease that accompanies kidney failure.